Bert JW Regeer (畢傑龍)

I Thought I was Done

Off course my car has to break again. This time with a part that is VERY hard to replace. The water pump. It means I need to take almost the entire engine apart:

  1. Valve head cover
  2. Timing belt cover
  3. Pulleys
  4. Timing Belt
  5. Other belts (2)
  6. Alternator (since the bracket is screwed into the water pump)
  7. Water pump

This is going to be a heavy job, and I am not looking forward to it. But it will mean the timing belt will be finally replaced, something I was not looking forward to doing, it has to be replaced every 60k, and it is at 90k+ and the previous owner was not all to nice to the car, so I doubt it has ever been done. At the same time I am replacing the lower and upper hoses, the clamps on those, and the thermostat, since I was planning on doing that anyway.

$car->add(new $parts->type("Waterpump"));

$person->sleep(); // Required! :P