Bert JW Regeer (畢傑龍)

No more leaking!

My car has been leak free, and has not had it's oil level drop, and I have driven almost 1000 miles on it, since we replaced the gasket, so that worked really well!

Now, I just need to get a new compressor, Receiver dryer, and an expansion valve to replace those, and then I will have an A/C compressor that is under warrantee which would be great, since in Arizona one really does need A/C, even-though I am getting quite used to driving in 42 C weather. It will also come in handy when I drive up to DefCon at the end of July, beginning of August. Looking forward to that.

So far I have an average Miles per Gallon of about 30, which is absolutely not bad considering I drive it like Roger Ramjet :P. Gas prices have also been going down, which means it is becoming a bit easier to afford the gasoline to drive places, which is nice. It really is false hope though, gas prices will be around $5 by the end of this year, just wait for it. Unless something drastically changes, it will happen.

On a better note, the US government is considering upping the requirement for car manufacturers as to the MPG they need to be able to get. All the way up to 35 Mpg, which would be awesome, means the US should finally see more fuel efficient cars, so that when I update my car to something newer after I drive the wheels off of my Sephia, I can buy a car that can get at least 40 Mpg. America should take a look at European cars (Renault, Opel and others).